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Futures Without Violence is hosting a webinar: Virtual Briefing on Intersection of Reproductive Health and Violence and Abuse

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), we will hear from researchers, health professionals, and advocates on the impact of domestic and sexual violence on reproductive health and discuss bipartisan policy solutions to support survivors.

Women with unintended pregnancies are two to four times more likely to experience physical violence than those whose pregnancies were planned, and those who experience abuse are at increased risk for pregnancy complications and poor birth outcomes. Research finds homicide is the leading cause of death among pregnant women - with Black women, Native American and Alaska Native women, and younger women bearing a disproportionate burden of those deaths. At the same time, domestic violence and sexual assault hotlines have seen a sharp rise in requests for help over the past two years – pointing to a need to further support victim services. During the pandemic, children and youth were half of the callers to the national sexual assault hotline. Youth are often estranged from reproductive health care in general, and the intersection of abuse and lack of reproductive health care can result in untreated STIs, unplanned pregnancies and miscarriages, and long-term physical and mental health impacts. The connection between violence and reproductive health has far reaching consequences for our communities.

While the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommends universal screening for intimate partner violence during pregnancy, research indicates that fewer than 30% of women are actually screened or connected to services. Now more than ever – providers play a critical role in decreasing risk for unplanned pregnancy and promoting health and safety. It is critically important to include trauma-informed resources and support for pregnant women that may have been sexually, physically, or emotionally abused.

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