Annie Lewis-O’Connor, PhD, NP-BC, MPH
Dr. Annie Lewis-O’Connor is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner. She is the Founder and Director of the Women’s CARE Clinic (Coordinated Approach Recovery & Empowerment), which provides patient informed health care to women who have been intentionally harmed. Her interest in violence against women and children focuses on policy, education, clinical practice and research. Annie has conducted sexual assaults examinations for over 15 years and has practiced as a nurse practitioner since 1990. She holds faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School and Boston College. Dr. O’Connor is published in peer-reviewed journals and academic books on the topic of violence against women and children. She is currently serving as the local researcher on an Office of Violence Against Women/National Institute of Justice Grant addressing Domestic Violence Homicide and Risk Reduction. Annie is the current Chair of the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse. In 2012 she was recognized by the Boston Business Journal as a Champion in Health Care. She received her Masters in Nursing from Simmons College in Boston, her Masters in Public Health from Boston University and her PhD from Boston College.
Annie Lewis-O'Connor
Senior Nurse Scientist
Director- C.A.R.E Clinic
Coordinated Approach to Recovery and Empowerment
Brigham and Women's Hospital
One Brigham Circle- 034-A
Boston, MA 02115
Phone- 617-525-9580