Martina Jelley, MD, MSPH, FACP

Dr. Jelley is a Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Julian Rothbaum Chair in Community Health Research at the University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine in Tulsa where she also serves as the Assistant Dean for Clinical Research. Dr. Jelley’s interests include intimate partner violence (IPV) and adverse childhood experiences, focusing on the adult health effects of these problems. Dr. Jelley is working with a multidisciplinary team at OU, using simulation to help trainees in several health programs improve their skills in counseling adult patients with childhood trauma. In 2008, Dr. Jelley was awarded a Governor’s Commendation for Victim Services. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Academy on Violence and Abuse, the Society of General Internal Medicine’s Physicians Against Violence Interest Group, and a member and previous chair of the Oklahoma Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board. She is co-founder of the Trauma Informed Healthcare Education and Research Collaborative (TIHCER).