Machelle Madsen Thompson, PhD, LCSW

Ph.D., 2010, Florida State University: Social Work
Behavioral Statistics and Measurement Certification, 2005; Educational Psychology
M.S.W., 1990, University of Utah; Social Work
B.S., 1988, Brigham Young University; Psychology
Selected Publications
Madsen Thompson, M. (2017, March). Measuring and implementing protective factors with traumatized youths. Perspectives: California Coalition on Sexual Offending (CCOSO) Quarterly Newsletter, 1 (5).
Madsen Thompson, M.D. & Kilka, B. (2015). Resilience following childhood trauma: The essential role of protective factors. Adverse Child Experiences group, of the Academy on Violence and Abuse in collaboration with the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse. Retrieved from
Madsen, M.D. & Abell. N. (2010). Trauma Resilience Scale: Validation of protective factors associated with positive adaptation following violence. Research on Social Work Practice, 20, 223-233.
Selected Grants and Awards
Fulbright Scholar, Hong Kong 2017-2018.
Ralph Stair Innovation in Teaching Award, 2015. Florida State Universit