What We Do
Our healthcare system and society struggle to address the impact that violence and abuse have on our health. The AVA is an organization of healthcare professionals dedicated to spreading education and research on the lifelong effects of violence and abuse.
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Allison M. Jackson, MD, MPH, AVA President
Over 25 years ago, the ground-breaking study on Adverse Childhood Experiences was published, shining a light on the prevalence and long-term health consequences of childhood trauma and adversity. Now, we also have a greater understanding of the role of historical and intergenerational trauma on health and well-being. The physiologic and epigenetic effects of trauma further confirm that traumatic experiences of patients of all ages are healthcare issues. Members of the AVA are committed to the implementation and practice of trauma-informed and trauma-responsive care, to mitigate the health effects of violence and abuse on patients, families, and communities. Building upon its nearly 20-year history, the AVA is perfectly poised to continue advancing health education and research on the recognition, treatment, and prevention of the health effects of violence and abuse throughout the life course.
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From the Blog
Current Challenges for Professionals Addressing Violence and Abuse
January 26, 2025
8:00 am PT - 4:30 pm PT
· The Parental Alienation Concept and Laws to Limit its Harms in Family Courts
· Reasons to not Show Child Victims their Own Sexual Images in Forensic Interviews
· Educating Health Care Professionals How to Inquire about Adverse Experiences
More detail:
1. In courts, claims of parental alienation are often raised in response to reports of violence between separated parents or child abuse. This can result in prolonged abuse sometimes including murder of children. This session includes an overview of the problem, a mother’s account of her custody dispute culminating in the murder of her 16-year-old son. discussion of the questionable science supporting parental alienation and its recommended treatments, and the development of the federal Kayden’s Law and similar state laws that seek to improve the handling of family law cases that include concerns of violence and abuse.
2. Reasons for not showing child victims their own images and videos of being sexual abused as part of child investigative interviews.
3. Educating health professionals how to inquire about patients’ adverse experiences will be described by a series of speakers, each with substantial experience doing this.